Alabama Lions MD34
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Alabama Lions High School All-Star Band Committee
The Alabama Lions High School All-Star Band Committee is composed of one member from each District in Multiple District 34. It shall be the duty of the District Governor to appoint a member from the District and confirm he/she will serve. The Council, at their first meeting, shall appoint a Chair and Vice Chair of the committee.
The Alabama Lions High School All Star Band Committee shall operate under supervision of the International Convention Committee.
The function of the Committee is to secure student sponsorships from Lions Clubs, Leo Clubs, Band Parent Associations, Past District Governors organizations and individuals to finance the Band to the International Conventions when held within the USA or Canada. The sponsor shall select the school the student is to come from and leave the instrument selection to the Band Director unless the sponsor works with the Band Director in the selection of a special student.
The Committee shall select the Band Director and assist him in preparing a budget for approval by the Council of Governors. Sponsorship cost will be recommended by the Committee. Each District Committee member shall be responsible for sponsorships from his District by contacting each Club by visit, telephone or in writing.
A Band Camp will be held at a location selected by the Band Director and will mold the delegation into a marching band and a Combo will be selected to play at the Alabama Lions breakfast at the International Convention. The entire band will play for the marching delegation of Lions at the International Convention parade. The band will strive to become the outstanding band at the International Convention. There shall be Assistant Band Director(s) as necessary, selected by the Band Director, to assist in an advisory capacity and provide supervision of the band.
The student shall furnish dark trousers, black shoes and socks, and his/her instrument. An appropriate uniform shall be approved by the Council of Governors. Expenses for the Band Camp, transportation to and from the International Convention, lodging and entertainment will be provided by the Alabama Lions. The student will furnish his/her own meals after leaving the Band Camp.
The Committee must stay within its budget and any excess of receipts over disbursements shall remain in the Band Fund. An audit shall be made within thirty (30) days of the close of the International Convention with copies sent to the International Convention Committee and Multiple District Office to become a part of the International Convention Committee minutes