Alabama Lions MD34

Serving all of the State of Alabama.  Join a local group of service-minded men and women who volunteer to support their community every day.

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee is composed of one member from each District in Multiple District 34 plus a Chair and Vice Chair. It shall be the duty of the District Governor to appoint a member from the District and confirm he/she will serve. The Council, at their first meeting, shall appoint a Chair and Vice Chair of the committee.

The committee shall have the responsibility of selecting recipients of the following awards based on the qualifications as presented or amended from time to time by the Council of Governors:

Aubrey D. Green Humanitarian Award

This award may be presented annually at the Multiple District Convention to a non-Lion citizen of Alabama or a native of Alabama who has made a significant contribution to society beyond the obligations of occupation or profession. Such contributions may include, but are not limited to, the promotion of human welfare, the alleviation of human suffering, and the advancement of social reforms. The recipient shall be selected by the committee from among nominees submitted within the past five years. Such nominees may be proposed by local Lions Clubs, District Governors, Committee members, or individual Lions.

Nominations, in writing, should be submitted to the Multiple District Office or the Committee Chair no later than February 1. The selection shall be made at a Committee meeting to be held at a location convenient to the members. The Multiple District Office shall be notified of the Committee selection no later than March 1.

No award shall be presented in any year in which the Committee has fewer than two nominees for consideration.

When the selection is made, the Multiple District Administrator shall notify the recipient, see that the award is prepared, make arrangements for the presentation, and inform the recipient that he/she may make a brief (15 minute) response to the convention. The Multiple District Convention Committee shall provide for accommodations for the recipient and his/her spouse if attending the Multiple District Annual Convention.

Tom Jones Lion of the Year

This award is presented annually, in honor of Past International Director Tom Jones, to a Lion in Multiple District 34, who, in the opinion of the Committee, has most distinguished him/herself for outstanding contributions and service to the furtherance of Lionism during the Previous Lions Fiscal Year.

The Multiple District Office shall notify each District Governor, on or before February 15, of the criteria for the Tom Jones Lions of the Year Award and request the District Governors to forward the selections of the District Lions of the Year Award as nominations for the Award. Such nomination are to be returned to the Multiple District Office, with qualifying criteria, no later than April 15. The Multiple District Office shall forward all nominations to the selection committee on or before May 1.

A District Governor, while serving in office, shall be ineligible to receive the award for the year of service as District Governor.

Committee members shall make their selection on a vote basis of three points for the first place, two points for second place and one point for third place. The Committee Chairman shall contact each Committee member for their selection and notify the Multiple District Office of the winner on or before June 1.

The Multiple District Office shall arrange for the Award to be made ready for presentation.

Roderick Beddow Award

This award is given annually in honor of Past International President Roderick Beddow to the Club who, in the opinion of the Committee, has most distinguished themselves in service and the promotion of Lionism.

The Multiple District Office shall notify each District Governor, on or before February 15, of the criteria for the Roderick Beddow Outstanding Club Award, and request the District Governors to forward the selections of the District Outstanding Club Award as nominations for the Award. Such nominations are to be returned to the Multiple District Office, with qualifying criteria, no later than April 15. The Multiple District Office shall forward all nominations to the selection committee on or before May 1.

The District Outstanding Club Award recipients for each District of MD-34 shall automatically be nominated for selection.

Committee members shall make their selection on a vote basis of three points for the first place, two points for second place and one point for third place. The Committee Chairman shall contact each Committee member for their selection and notify the Multiple District Office of the winner on or before June 1. The Multiple District Office shall arrange for the Award to be made ready for presentation. The plaque is to have a profile of Past President Beddow and must be molded and not only engraved.

If the Roderick Beddow Award is to be presented at a Multiple District function, the award shall be presented by the Multiple District 34 current or Past International Executive Officer(s) and/or Director(s).

Alabama Lions Hall of Fame

Induction to the Alabama Lions Hall of Fame is a means to recognize Lions in Multiple District 34 who have distinguished themselves through exemplary humanitarian service.

Each Lions club in good standing in Multiple District 34 may nominate one (1) deserving Lion, per year for induction to the Alabama Lions Hall of Fame. Each Sub-district in Multiple District 34 may also nominate one (1) worthy Lion per year. This provides each sub-district the means to recognize a deceased Lion whose club is no longer active. Nominees may be living or deceased and must have a minimum of ten (10) years of active Lion’s service. Nominees do not have to be a member of the nominating club or sub-district. Nominations must be submitted in writing to the Multiple District Office between October 1st and October 31st. Letters of nomination should include information such as the individual’s accomplishments in Lionism, positions held, Lions awards and recognitions earned, contributions to the district and community, and why they should be inducted into the Alabama Lions Hall of Fame. The club or sub-district making a nomination must agree to pay a fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) if their nominee is selected for induction to the Alabama Lions Hall of Fame to help defray the costs of inductee recognition and other expenses. The Council of Governors shall review this fee each year to ensure the fee is adequate to cover the costs.

The Council of Governors shall review the nominations from the clubs and sub-districts and select up to a maximum of five (5) Lions to be inducted into the Alabama Lions Hall of Fame per year. The Council of Governors may select two (2) additional Lions for induction into the Alabama Lions Hall of Fame per year. These additional inductees enable the Council of Governors to honor Lions such as Past International Directors and/or Executive Officers of our Association. Fees for the two (2) additional inductees selected by the Council of Governors shall be paid from the Multiple District 34 Council Administrative Fund.