Alabama Lions MD34

Serving all of the State of Alabama.  Join a local group of service-minded men and women who volunteer to support their community every day.

Information Technology Committee

The Information Technology Committee is composed of one member from each District in the State. It shall be the responsibility of each District Governor to make the appointment from his District and confirm that the member will serve in time to report the assignment at the first Council of Governors meeting. The Council of Governors, at their first meeting, will appoint the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee. Meetings of the Committee will be held as deemed necessary and on call of the Chairman of the Committee.

Information Technology is concerned with the use of technology in managing and processing information, especially in large organizations. In particular, information technology deals with the use of computers and computer software to convert, store, protect, process, transmit, and retrieve information. Additionally, Lions have discovered that the Internet is a useful tool for conducting club and district business as well. Calendars, contacts, newsletters, announcements, meeting agendas, training and recruitment opportunities can all be available on Web sites.

The Information Technology Committee shall assist the multiple district, clubs and Lions members in:
1. Understanding and incorporating the use of modern technology in the club to include: use of computers, use of the internet, use of email, developing a club web site, transmitting information electronically to Lions Clubs International, and use of the LCI membership web site (WMMR) for club administrative functions.
2. Transmitting club monthly membership data and club activity reports to LCI and appropriate district officers.
3. Assist in the development and maintaining of the Multiple District web page and the content of information for distribution to those viewing the web site.
4. Conduct workshops on Information Technology at leadership training institutes and multiple district conventions.