Alabama Lions MD34

Serving all of the State of Alabama.  Join a local group of service-minded men and women who volunteer to support their community every day.

International Convention Committee

The International Convention Committee is composed of one member from each District in the Multiple District. It shall be the responsibility of each District Governor to make the appointment for his District and confirm that the member will serve in time to report the assignment at the first Council meeting. The Council, at their first meeting, will appoint the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee. Meetings of the Committee will be held as deemed necessary and on call of the Chairman of the Committee.

In the event the Chair for any reason cannot or does not efficiently and to the best interest of Lionism perform the duties of Convention Chair, or in the event the office for any reason becomes vacant, the Council shall appoint a successor to serve for the unexpired term.

The Committee will hold their first meeting within sixty (60) days after their appointment and hold subsequent meetings as deemed necessary.

The International Convention Committee shall:
1. Be responsible for Alabama Lions participation in the International Convention in cooperation with Lions International.
Multiple District Office will mail flyers to all Club Presidents, Secretaries, Past District Governors and Present and Past International Officers, (optional committee expense)
a. Arrange for Charter or special transportation to the International Convention, (optional) Tours etc. must be cleared through International Office.
2. Chairman should designate responsibilities of Committee members.
3. Prepare a budget of anticipated income and expenses for Council approval to include:
a. Cost of breakfast
b. Determine if participants will pay part of breakfast cost.
c. Cost of gifts for District Governors Elect and International Family.
d. Hospitality Room
e. Trading pins for District Governors Elect and others approved by the Council.
f. Band expenses
g. Cost of printing – flyers, breakfast program, tickets
h. Alabama Lions Caucus
i. Committee expenses
4. Parade. Encourage Lions to participate
a. Determine parade dress
b. Arrange for flags, banners, etc., to be at parade site.
c. File necessary paperwork with Lions International pertaining to parade for both the marching delegation and band
d. Furnish direction to parade assembly area and time to assemble.
e. Cooperate with band if they are participating in parade.
5. Gifts to District Governor Elects and International Family (if appropriate).
a. Secure approval of Council of a gift and cost.
b. Purchase gifts and arrange to transport to the Alabama Convention Hotel.
c. Arrange for distribution of gifts.
6. Breakfast.
a. Program
b. Cost of meal and guarantee needed
c. Prorate cost to attendees
d. Head table arrangements
e. Make arrangements at Alabama Lions Hotel or other suitable site if necessary
f. Guest invitations
g. Entertainment
h. Print tickets
7 Hospitality Room
a. Make arrangements with Headquarters Hotel
b. Gifts, favorers and other items for give always.
c. Cost
d. Staffing
e. Scheduling times to be open
f. Post information about events.
8. Caucus
a. Make arrangements for site and physical set up.
b. Notify candidates of time and place
c. Chaired by Council Chairman or Vice-Chairman if Council Chair not present.
d. Have candidates escorted to podium
e. Set time allowed for each candidate
9. Final Financial Report and Transfer of funds to MD-34 State Office.

Within sixty (60) days after the conclusion of the fiscal year forward to the Multiple District Office a complete statement of all income and expenses including canceled checks, vouchers, invoices, paid receipts.
Make a report at first Council meeting after International Convention to become a part of the Multiple District Convention minutes. Transfer excess income over expenses to Council.
No member of this Committee has the authority to make contracts that obligates the Lions of Multiple District 34 without the written authority of the Council.