Alabama Lions MD34
Serving all of the State of Alabama. Join a local group of service-minded men and women who volunteer to support their community every day.

Leo Club Committee
The Leo Club Committee is composed of one member from each District in the Multiple District. It shall be the responsibility of each District Governor to make the appointment from his District, and confirm that the member will serve, in time to report the assignment at the first Council meeting. The Council, at their first meeting, will appoint the Chairman and Vice- Chairman of the Committee. Meetings of the Committee will be held as deemed necessary and on call of the Chairman of the Committee.
The Leo Club Committee shall promote Leo Club formation and inform Lions Clubs of the following organizational requirements:
1. Stress the underlying philosophies of the Leo Club Program which are:
• to offer young people the opportunity to help others through organized and productive service activities.
• to provide young people with the opportunity to develop leadership abilities.
• to alert young people to the circumstances of persons who are less fortunate than themselves.
• To promote service activities among the youth of the community which will develop the individual qualities of Leadership, Experience and Opportunity. To unite its members in friendship, fellowship, and mutual understanding.
2. Distribute information to explain the responsibilities of Leo Club sponsorship. Explain that every Leo club must have an advisor. This advisor must be a Lion who enjoys working with young people. School-based Leo clubs often require a teacher or school administrator to serve as co-advisor.
3. Provide information on obtaining a Leo Club Organization Kit (Kit 830) from the Youth Programs Department at International Headquarters.
4. Sponsoring a Leo club also involves a financial obligation. The Leo club organization fee is an annual US$100.
5. New Leo Clubs may operate in conjunction with a local school, church, or other community group. Often, outside agencies require the appointment of their own club leader or advisor. This agency must agree to fulfill Leo Club Program responsibilities.