Alabama Lions MD34

Serving all of the State of Alabama.  Join a local group of service-minded men and women who volunteer to support their community every day.

Long Range Planning Committee

The Long-Range Planning Committee is composed of one member from each District in Multiple District 34. It shall be the duty of the District Governor to appoint a member from his District and confirm he/she will serve. The Council, at their first meeting, shall appoint a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the committee.

1. Purpose – There shall be a Long-Range Planning Committee which shall meet with the Council at their second meeting and at such times as called by the Chair. This Committee shall formulate long range recommendations to the Lions of Multiple District 34 on any long-range goals that are continuing or goals in increments of 3-5-10 years and make a final report at the Multiple District Annual Convention.

2. Membership – Membership of this Committee shall be comprised of the Immediate Past District Governors and current District Governors for a one-year term, with three additional members from each district to serve a term of 3 years on a rotation basis. Past International Officers and Directors shall be ex-officio members. The Chair and Vice Chair shall be appointed by the Multiple District Council at the first meeting of the Multiple District Council.

3. Redistricting – In the event of a redistricting of any Districts of MD-34, the Council shall call a special meeting to appoint an Ad Hoc Redistricting Committee and designate a Chair to work in conjunction with the Long-Range Planning Committee in formulating changes to sub-district boundaries. Additionally, a Nominating Committee from any such new District territories shall be appointed to receive nominations of Candidates for the office of District Governor for such new District(s). The Nominating Committee Chair shall preside at the Multiple District Convention meeting at which such new District Governor(s) shall be elected. The qualifying and election of each District Governor(s) for the District(s) shall be in accordance with all applicable provisions of the MD-34 Constitution and By-Laws.

The Long-Range Committee may make recommendations during the year to the Council on matters the committee feels will strengthen Lionism in Alabama, leading to growth in membership, as well as better community relations, and help to further the Lions motto “We Serve” throughout Alabama.