Alabama Lions MD34
Serving all of the State of Alabama. Join a local group of service-minded men and women who volunteer to support their community every day.

Multiple District Annual Convention Committee
There shall be a Multiple District. Convention Committee, the purpose of which shall be to make studies and recommendations as the Committee deems necessary regarding the selection of a site for the Multiple District Convention including financial and other convention arrangements.
(a) The Multiple District Convention Committee shall be composed of one member from each District in the Multiple District who may serve for more than one year. The Council shall appoint a Chair and Vice Chair. Each year, additional members (not to exceed two), who reside in the District where the Convention is to be held, shall be appointed by the Committee. Each additional member of the Committee shall serve for one year.
(b) The duties of the Committee shall be to promote the Convention and to provide the facilities for the program which is prepared by the Council and to make all other arrangements for special events, to provide the gift (on approval of the Council) for the visiting guest speaker, to make necessary arrangements for the speaker’s room, provide transportation for the speaker to and from the airport, and such other duties as are necessary, including the printing of the program and hospitality books, registrations and any other items necessary for the successful operation of the Convention.
1. Meet with the Hotel and determine:
(a) Arrange for a meeting with the Hotel/Motel management to determine room rates for single, double and suites; arrive at number of gratis rooms and suites and menus for selection of breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals. (NO MEMBER OF THIS COMMITTEE HAS THE AUTHORITY TO MAKE
CONTRACTS that obligate the Lions of Multiple District 34 without written authority of the Council.)
(b) Availability of parking and cost, if not gratis.
(c) Secure necessary meeting and banquet space.
(d) Arrange for sufficient sleeping rooms to handle the convention.
2. Prepare budget of anticipated income and expenses and present to the Council. The budget should include:
(a) Anticipated income from Hospitality books.
(b) Cost of Meals
1. Friday Evening event
2. Saturday Night Banquet
3. Sunday Luncheon
(c) Cost of printing
1. Programs 4. Necrology Program
2. Hospitality books 5. Flyers
3. Delegate Cards 6. Mailing Cost
(d) Other Expenses to include:
1. Flowers-head table 6. Entertainment
2. Speaker Expense 7. Entertainment of Spouse
3. Speaker Gift 8. Special transportation if needed
4. Convention badges
5. Committee Expense in accordance with Policy Manual
3. Recommend to the Council menus and cost of meals to be served at meal functions:
(a) Have alternate suggestions to present
(b) Seated or buffet meals
4. Make necessary arrangements for a successful Convention
(a) Have Host Committee Members work with Hotel/motel on room reservations with notice sent to those registered.
(b) Flyers to all Clubs, District Governors, Past and Present International Officers, Editor of THE ALABAMA LION Newsletter, and Past District Governors.
i. Cost of rooms, single, double, and suites
ii. Cost of Hospitality Books
iii. Spouse Entertainment
iv. Highlights of program, including information of the Guest Speaker
v. Any pertinent information concerning registration.
5. Set Head table seating arrangement according to Lions Clubs International protocol. (Multiple District Office will assist)
6. Arrange for meeting space for:
(a) Council meeting
(b) Alabama Lions Sight Conservation Association, Inc. meeting
(c) District meetings
(d) Committee meetings
(e) Seminars and exhibits
7. Final Financial Report
Within sixty (60) days after the conclusion of the Annual Convention, forward to the Multiple District Office a complete statement of all income and expenses including canceled checks, vouchers, invoices, paid receipts and other expenses items for the Multiple District Auditor. Make a Financial report at the first Council meeting after the Annual Convention. The audited
report becomes a part of the Multiple District Annual Convention minutes. To do an audit, the Auditor requires that you use a bank who returns canceled checks.