Alabama Lions MD34

Serving all of the State of Alabama.  Join a local group of service-minded men and women who volunteer to support their community every day.

Newsletter and Public Relations Committee

The Council shall appoint an Alabama Lion Newsletter and Public Relations Committee composed of a Chair, Co-Chair, and at least one member but no more than two members, from each sub-district of MD-34. The purpose of the committee shall be to publish a statewide newsletter for the Lions of Alabama, formulate a public relations plan for MD-34, apply for public relations grants as may be offered by Lions Clubs International and others, and encourage sub-districts and clubs to disseminate positive image building information concerning local and multiple district projects and activities.

Funding for activities of the committee shall be provided through the MD-34 Alabama Lion Newsletter annual per capita tax with first priority for use of funds being allocated to publish the Alabama Lion newsletter. In order to complete the responsibilities of the committee, a public relations sub-committee may be formed, chaired by a member of the committee. A Public Relations budget shall be prepared for approval before any public relations expenditure may be obligated and said budget shall be based only on residual funds remaining after funding of the Alabama Lion newsletter.


1. See to the publishing of THE ALABAMA LION Newsletter.
2. Recommend public relations efforts and programs for the Multiple District, including news releases to all media.
3. Seek information from Clubs and each District Governor to be included in the Newsletter.
4. Hold a basic training course for Club Newsletter and Public Relations members at District and/or Multiple District level.
5. Request other MD Committee Chairmen to submit information.
6. Publish registration forms for Multiple District Annual Convention.
7. Publish order form for trading pin orders.
8. Publish picture and information on speakers for District and MD-34 Annual Convention.
9. Publish picture and biographical information on Council Chairman, District Governors, Alabama Lions Sight Conservation Association, Inc. officers in July issue.
10. Publish information concerning the Roderick Beddow Award, Aubrey D. Green Award, William C. Chandler Membership Awards, and Tom Jones Lion of Year Award.
11. Encourage representation at Multiple District, District, and International events.