Alabama Lions MD34

Serving all of the State of Alabama.  Join a local group of service-minded men and women who volunteer to support their community every day.

Resolutions Committee

The Resolutions Committee is composed of one member from each District in MD-34. It shall be the responsibility of each District Governor to make this appointment from his (her) District and confirm that the member will serve in time to report the assignment at the first Council meeting. The Council, at its first meeting, will appoint the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of this Committee. The Committee shall present all Resolutions approved by the Council at the Multiple District Annual Convention and shall meet at such other times as is deemed necessary.

The Resolutions Committee shall:
1. Prepare Resolutions for presentation at the Multiple District Convention regarding:
(A) Hotel or Motel for hospitality extended
(B) International or guest speaker
(C) Multiple District Convention Committee
(D) Official of City (if invited and attends)
(E) Others as deemed necessary
2. Prepare Resolutions for presentation to the Multiple District Convention regarding financial matters and withdrawals from the Reserve Fund. Money Resolutions must be mailed to all Clubs at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Convention.
3. Resolutions are prepared by the Multiple District Office staff on direction of the Council and the Resolutions Committee.
4. Resolutions will be sent to all Committee Members and the Chair, or his/her designee, who shall present the Resolutions at the Annual Convention.