Alabama Lions MD34

Serving all of the State of Alabama.  Join a local group of service-minded men and women who volunteer to support their community every day.

Opportunities for Youth Committee

The Opportunities for Youth Committee is composed of one member from each District in the Multiple District. It shall be the responsibility of each District Governor to make the appointment from his District, and confirm that the member will serve, in time to report the assignment at the first Council meeting. The Council, at their first meeting, will appoint the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Committee. Meetings of the Committee will be held as deemed necessary and on call of the Chairman of the Committee.

Lions Opportunities for Youth Committee shall promote youth activities within the Multiple District and encourage clubs to sponsor and participate in the youth activity program adopted by the Multiple District and Lions Clubs International. Examples of such activities include:

Lions International Peace Poster Contest: Lions clubs sponsor this art contest for students, ages 11-13. The Lions International Peace Poster Contest provides youth with an opportunity to artistically share their vision for peace. Contest Rules & Conditions are found in the Peace Poster kit provided by Lions Clubs International.

The grand prize winner receives a trip for him or herself and two family members and the sponsoring Lions club president to the award ceremony.

Lions Clubs International Youth Exchange: Sponsored by a Lions club, young people (between the ages of 15 and 21) travel to another country to learn about another culture. Exchanges last between four and six weeks and can occur in any of the more than 190 countries in which Lions clubs exist. Often, exchanges also participate in a Lions Clubs International Youth Camp.

Lions Clubs International Youth Camp: Lions clubs sponsor young people (between the ages of 16 and 22) to attend Lions club, district, or multiple district-sponsored youth camps. Each year, there are approximately 100 Lions camps organized around the world.

Lions Young Leaders in Service Awards: Lions Clubs International will issue a congratulatory letter from the international president and a certificate to each nominee who completes 50 hours of community service (silver seal certificate) or 100 or more hours of community service (gold seal certificate).